
Welcome to City Valley Shipley

At City Valley Shipley we are following the call to be disciples of Jesus, encouraging each other along the journey. Our aim is to reach those in Shipley and the surrounding areas with the good news of Jesus whilst we journey life together as a family of believers. Will you join us this Sunday? You’d be most welcome. 

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Welcome to City Valley Shipley image

Sunday Mornings

We meet 10.30 am-12 pm on Sunday mornings. Most Sundays we meet at Shipley C of E Primary School, BD18 2PT. We would love to see you there!

The entrance is via the red gates on Back Birklands Road, at the very end of Castle Road nearest the school. There is free, on street parking on Sundays on the surrounding roads.

One Sunday per month is our Community Sunday. Community Sundays are about building our church community and reaching our local community in Shipley, they don't always take place at the school; visit our what's on page for information about our next Community Sunday and where we will be.

What to expect

When we meet for our regular Sundays at the school we usually start with a lively time of worship for all ages, followed by teaching from the Bible. We believe God speaks to all of us, and we love being encouraged by contributions from anyone who wants to share. Afterwards, there is plenty of time to catch up over tea and coffee.

We love having lots of children and youth in our church family. During our regular meetings the children and youth aged 3-16 have their own sessions after worship. They are led by our wonderful children and youth teams and are a fun-filled place to learn about God and hear Him speak. There is always a room available for our Starlings (under 3s) to enjoy with their parents. The audio from the main meeting is played in this room and there is a selection of age appropriate toys available. 

On Community Sundays, we come together to enjoy fellowship and take church out into our community. This can look lots of different ways from church day trips and activities to litter picks and local outreach events. 

One Sunday per month is an all-age meeting where children stay with their families for a family-friendly talk.


There is step free access to the building and an accessible toilet available. Accessible parking is available in the school playground - please speak to one of our welcome team on the gate when you arrive.

See what's coming up

Prayer Groups

We believe that prayer is an intergral part of our Christian lives.

We have small prayer groups that meet once a week to pray together for an hour. We would love everyone who is part of City Valley Shipley to join one of these groups.

We find that these groups also become a place of sharing life together, as we pray for each other, our communities, and all that God has put on our heart. Please get in touch if you would like to join a prayer group.

Find out more about prayer groups
Prayer Groups image

Coming up

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During our times together we open the Bible and hear practical teaching from God’s word to us. Our teaching focuses on the life that can be found in Jesus Christ and the outworking of that in our day to day lives.

Catch up on all our teaching here.

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Jesus’ Words from the Cross: My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

By Pete Nadin at Shipley on 16th March 2025 | Download MP3

Jesus’ Words from the Cross: Forgiveness

By Matt Small at Shipley on 9th March 2025 | Download MP3